Absences from Placement 623-05-20-30
(Revised 10/1/2023 ML #3759)
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In the event a child is absent from the primary placement due to hospitalization, runaway or other out of placement setting, and the plan is for the child to return to the same primary placement, a case worker has the option of a primary provider bed hold. A bed hold allows the primary provider payment during the days a child is absent and is limited to a maximum of 14 days. There is no reduction in the standard maintenance payment to the primary provider for the bed hold days. The first day of a bed hold begins on the day the child leaves the primary provider setting (home/facility), regardless of the time of day the absence occurs. Placement ends on the date it is determined the child will not or is unable to return to the same primary provider. Foster care payments cannot be made to the primary provider for any days exceeding the 14 days in which the child was absent from the placement.
An absence that extends past the 14th day requires a change in the primary placement. For example, a child has a primary placement in a foster home and they become hospitalized. The case worker must enter a secondary placement of hospitalization into the case management system. Once the 14th day passes, the primary and secondary placements must be closed pm the 14th day and the “Non-foster care” hospitalization will become the primary placement starting the 15th day.
18+ Cases: Secondary placements from one primary foster care provider to another such as pre-placement visits are not allowed in 18+ Continued Care. If an 18+ Continued Care client must be hospitalized and the primary foster care provider agrees to remain engaged with the case and continues to offer support to the foster child during that time, the primary foster care provider is entitled to reimbursement. An 18+ case that required hospitalization beyond 14 days will require the foster care case manager to staff options with the Children and Family Services Field Service Specialist.